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Modern Slavery Statement

Jooka Limited is a film production company, in the United Kingdom owned by Matthew Paish and James Stapleton.

Jooka is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of its business and supply chains and that it does not knowingly deal with any third party involved in modern slavery and human trafficking

During its 2016 financial year, Jooka started to investigate its business and supply chains for evidence of modern slavery and human trafficking

From the investigations it has carried out so far, Jooka is not aware that any modern slavery and human trafficking is taking place in its business and supply chains. Jooka recognises and respects employment laws applicable to its business and it has started to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking amongst its employees by drawing their attention to documentation on the forms modern slavery and human
trafficking can take.

Jooka’s supply chains involve the production, commission and marketing of audio visual content such as promotional films.

Jooka strives to do business with third partieswhich share its valuesand nits supply chains are based on long term relationships with reputable suppliers.

Jooka has started to give specific consideration to modern slavery and human trafficking issues when dealing with its suppliers, including considering such matters in its analysis of chain of title documents and contributors agreements for film and television series, and has started to include modern slavery provisions in its agreements with third parties.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and was approved by the directors of JOOKA on 30 June 2017

James Stapleton
Managing Director

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